Santa Fe Arroyo Seco Railroad Bridge

Located at 162 S. Avenue 61 in Highland Park, this bridge is more than 700 feet (210 m) long and crosses the Pasadena (110) freeway at an elevation of over 100 feet (30 m). It the tallest and longest railroad span in the city of Los Angeles, and most likely the oldest such structure still in use.[1]

The Arroyo Seco Santa Fe bridge, built in 1896, replaced the original 1889 wooden trestle used by the Southern California Railroad, which was a subsidiary of the Santa Fe Railroad. In the 1990s, the bridge was retrofitted to accommodate the Los Angeles MTA's Gold Line light rail system.[2]

Advocated by the Highland Park Heritage Trust and Charles J. Fisher, the bridge was declared City of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument #339 on January 22, 1988.[3]

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